Microsoft Excel on steroids with Transformative AI
It's now faster to ask ChatGPT than searching Stackoverflow or google for solutions..
It’s no secret that Excel is a powerful tool for automating mundane tasks, but it takes knowledge and skill to take advantage of its full potential. In particular, Macros and Visual Basic have been irreplaceable go-tos for tasks involving repetitive work. However, exploring these features can require an excessive amount of time, as solutions are often scattered across random blogs or Stackoverflow. But now in 2023 there is a solution which offers better value: ChatGPT! A relatively new technology has been making waves among accountants and office workers, who are increasingly turning to ChatGPT over other sources for assistance with repetitive tasks on Excel. A clear testament to this newfound popularity is the growing number of businesses taking on ChatGPT as their automation tool of choice.
Take a look at this conversation..
how can I sort multiple columns in excel using VBA
ChatGPT: You can sort multiple columns in Excel using VBA by using the Range.Sort
method. Here is an example code to sort multiple columns:
sqlCopy codeSub SortMultiColumns()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range("A1:C10")
rng.Sort Key1:=Range("B2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range("C2"), Order2:=xlDescending
End Sub
In this example, the range A1:C10
is being sorted by column B in ascending order, and then by column C in descending order. The Key1
and Key2
parameters specify the columns to be sorted, and the Order1
and Order2
parameters specify the sort order for each column.
You can modify the range, key columns, and sort order as needed for your data.
can i add a button to click this in my excel sheet?
ChatGPT: Yes, you can add a button to your Excel sheet that will trigger the sorting macro when clicked. Here's how you can do it:
Go to the "Developer" tab in the ribbon, if you don't see it, you can enable it by going to the "File" menu, selecting "Options," and then "Customize Ribbon."
Click the "Insert" button in the "Controls" section, and select "Button (Form Control)" from the drop-down list.
Draw the button on the sheet where you want it to appear.
Right-click the button and select "Format Control."
In the "Format Control" dialog box, go to the "Control" tab and enter a "Caption" for the button, such as "Sort Data."
Close the "Format Control" dialog box.
Right-click the button again, and select "Assign Macro."
In the "Assign Macro" dialog box, select the macro that you want to assign to the button, in this case, the
macro.Click "OK" to close the "Assign Macro" dialog box.
Now, whenever you click the button, it will run the SortMultiColumns
macro and sort the specified columns in your data.
Nice Thank you!
Chat GPT: You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
This is revolutionary and the tip of the iceberg..
What used to take an hour of learning a complex excel visual basic code can now be understood in mere minutes with the help of ChatGPT. Companies around the globe are recognizing this and taking advantage of its capabilities by bypassing their previous arduous coding processes and utilizing this revolutionary automated system instead. It is no wonder that ChatGPT has quickly become one of the most popular tools of choice for businesses today.
Try it for yourself.
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