The alignment problem from a deep learning perspective by Richard Ngo Et Al

The alignment problem from a deep learning perspective by Richard Ngo Et Al

This is fascinating audio of the current landscape of the alignment problem

Within the coming decades, artificial general intelligence (AGI) may surpass human capabilities at a wide range of important tasks. We outline a case for expecting that, without substantial effort to prevent it, AGIs could learn to pursue goals which are very undesirable (in other words, misaligned) from a human perspective. We argue that AGIs trained in similar ways as today’s most capable models could learn to act deceptively to receive higher reward; learn internally-represented goals which generalize beyond their training distributions; and pursue those goals using power-seeking strategies. We outline how the deployment of misaligned AGIs might irreversibly undermine human control over the world, and briefly review research directions aimed at preventing these problems.

Edit: This covers version 3 almost similar to version 4 but still a good audio conversion to listen to if you want to understand this paper. Current version can be found here.

Read the full research paper here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2209.00626v3.pdf

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