With every obstacle faced and possible limitation surpassed, we are proud of the strides taken by humanity through millions of years of precious nurturing and survival.
I find that I'm often mistaken for being cold or unemphatetic because I tend to view human relationships from an evolutionary perspective.
For me, it's all about survival of the fittest - those who can adapt and change will thrive while those who don't will wither away. This isn't to say that I don't believe in love or connection, but I do think that we are all wired to ultimately look out for ourselves first and foremost. From an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense - if we didn't prioritize our own safety and well-being, we wouldn't have survived as a species.
However, I also think there's a lot to be said for the archetypal view of human relationships. We are all shaped by the stories we tell and the myths we create, and these stories can often help us understand our relationships to others in a deeper way. For example, the story of Romeo and Juliet is still relevant today because it speaks to the eternal struggle between love and hate, selflessness and selfishness. We can all see a little bit of ourselves in these archetypal characters, and that's what makes their stories so powerful.
So while I may not always be the warmest or most emotional person, I like to think that my understanding of human relationships is pretty accurate. And when it comes to fixing issues, I often find that my unorthodox approach is exactly what people need.
When we take a step back and look at our world, it's amazing how far we've come.
Our ability to develop into intelligent beings capable of forming tribes, families, and eventually cities and nations is a testament to our innate abilities. We are driven by subconscious mechanisms that originate from our ancestors. Our social capacity to form tight-knit groups has allowed us to thrive and survive in the harshest of environments. We are a truly remarkable species and our ability to adapt and change is what makes us so successful.
With every obstacle faced and possible limitation surpassed, we are proud of the strides taken by humanity through millions of years of precious nurturing and survival.
Tribal nature is part of this ongoing journey; it allows us to move forward into the future. It can sometimes feel uncertain but take solace in knowing that we are clever tribal creatures with a capacity for adaptation that is unrivaled. So, let's pause for a moment and reflect on how far we have come, eyes trained on where we're heading too!
Originally posted from my previous blogging machine last January 13, 2023
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