How did we humans become the most profound animals ever to walk the earth?
I often find myself wondering about this, especially when I see all the problems we have created for ourselves. It seems like we are always making things more complicated than they need to be. Maybe it's because we have too much time on our hands. Or maybe it's because we are just too self-centered. Whatever the reason, it seems like our ability to think and reason has turned against us. We are constantly biases against each other, and even against ourselves. Our defense mechanisms have evolved to protect us from danger, but they also prevent us from seeing things clearly. We are always prioritizing what we have and what we want, instead of what is best for everyone. This self-centered thinking is what has led to all the wars and conflict in the world. If we could just learn to think about others as much as we think about ourselves, maybe we could finally create a world that peace and harmony.
It's often said that we are our own worst enemies.
And when it comes to biases, this is certainly true. We all have a tendency to be influenced by our own perspectives and opinions, even when they're not in our best interests. This can lead us to make choices that are not in line with our values or goals.
To combat this, I try to practice gratitude. Gratitude is an acknowledgment of the good things in our lives. It helps us to see the world around us in a more positive light. And when we're more positive, we're less likely to let our biases control us. Instead, we're more likely to make choices that are based on what's truly important to us.
So if you find yourself struggling with self-bias, try practicing gratitude. It just might help you to wage a successful war against your own worst enemy.
The war on bias is one that we all must fight if we want to see change in the world.
One of the best ways to combat bias is to take action against it. This can be as simple as speaking up when you see or hear something that is biased. But sometimes, taking action means going above and beyond, like running 5 miles. Though the first few miles may be a challenge, they'll help you get in touch with your inner strength and determination. And as you continue to battle bias, you'll become a stronger and better version of yourself. So if being grateful is not your thing, focus on taking action instead. It's the best way to make a difference in the world.
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